My undergraduate study of geography at Clark University led me to generate great interest in Geographic Information Science (GIS). By choosing coursework like “Res Design & Meth in Geography”, “Intro to Quantitative Methods”, “GIS & Land Change Models”, and “Geospatial Analysis With R”, I gained an in-depth understanding of the remote sensing, mapping, and analytics, continually revealing new information about our world. Moreover, I gained software-based skill sets at Clark Labs, especially the usage of the TerrSet/IDRISI platform developed at Clark Labs.

Why are things located where they are? What makes societies and biophysical environments different from place to place? How does distance affect access to the things all species need to survive and flourish? My early curiosity about geography prompted me to conduct further studies with a geography major at Clark University. I use the concepts of place and space to better understand the physical and social processes that shape our planet and to address societal and environmental challenges. I also explore why places are different; the economic, political, and cultural systems that connect us locally, regionally, and globally; and how we shape — and in turn are shaped by — our environment. The more I gained, the more determined I became to make our living environment happy, safe, and sustainable.

Research Interests

Remote Sensing | Land Use and Land Cover Change | Climate Change | Terrestrial Environments | ​Geospatial Analysis | Conservation

Technical Skills

Python | ArcPy | R | RStudio | IDRISI TerrSet | ArcGIS | GitHub | Slack | Google Earth Pro | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Google Earth Engine


please contact me at my email address


Email: minaisweiii@gmail.com