Evaluating the impact of various factors on forest loss in Amapa, Para, and Mato Grasso between 2000 and 2020

Mapping Burn Scars using Google Earth Engine JavaScript API

Using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) JavaScript API to Examine Wildfire Severity

Team Member:

Chengming Zhou, Jason Zheng, Mina Wei, Jessie Xu


Team Project

Team Members:

Mina Wei


Personal Project

Project Description:

According to recent research, scientists found several reasons that have impacts on the forest loss in Brazil, including increasing crop and pasture land, indigenous settlements, policies of protected areas, and so on. In this project, we will focus on 4 factors to forest loss in Amapa, Para, and Mato Grasso, and analyze which factors influence more. We use crops and Pastures from the Land cover maps to reclass to get the distance map. And we also have elevation map, indigenous distribution map and protection map.

Google Earth Engine Code:


please contact me at my email address


Email: minaisweiii@gmail.com